Sadly it has been already 3 weeks since my last post. Why "sadly" you might think, well that's because I've intended to post every 2 weeks a new post and not every 3 or 4 weeks. But as I already mentioned in my last post the work has started. I'm very busy with working on the website, which still is not quite ready, this because we are missing some details (confirmation of major speakers etc.) but I'm also very busy with looking for different Churches and Organizations that are willing to host a group of young people who want to do a missions experience. At this moment we have locations in Costa Rica, Panama and Brazil confirmed. I'm really happy about what I'm doing. Yesterday my Team welcomed 2 new team members who want to help us with this challenge.

At the beginning of this month we welcomed a group of students from
Cornerstone Bible School in the Netherlands here with us. They came to be part of our
MAC (Mission Adventure Camp). It was great to get to know them and to see who God is working in their lives. On their free day I had the chance to go with them to the volcano Poas. To be standing on top of a volcano is quite impressive. Also the temperature difference between San Jose and the volcano is quite interesting, while San Jose had about 30°C on top of the volcano we had max. 15°C. The average temperature on the volcano is 12°C and a lot of the times you don't even see the volcano due to the clouds that cover it. I was fortunate enough to have had a beautiful day while I was up there.
Now something more personal related. When I first got to here I started attending the church of the family I'm staying with, but when the Movida director returned from Europe he asked the new missionaries, which is an American and me to look for another church. The reason behind it is, that out of the 9 Movida missionaries 7 go to that church and he would like to see us going to different churches so that we can represent and promote our work in those churches. So now the American missionary and me are looking for a new church. So if you have time today to pray about this I would be really thankful.
Ok, that's about it. I hope I can write in about 2 weeks again so that you don't have to wait that long for my next post.
God's blessings over you!