Sunday, June 2, 2013


It's a long time ago since the last post. I'm already a month in Switzerland. My parents and I left Brazil on May 6th and arrived on May 7th in Switzerland. For me this flight had something unique, for the first time in my life I celebrated my birthday over the Atlantic.
The week after my arriving I already started work. I have to opportunity to work for the shop where I did my apprenticeship. This way I can get all the money together to finish my studies in Canada. It is a gift of God and his providence that I have work for the whole summer. It is great how God looks after each detail in my life.
I already have my flight booked to Canada. I'll be arriving in Calgary on the 20th of August. Right now I'm in the waiting process for my study permit.

Here a quick review on my internship. It was a great year. I had the chance to experience, learn and to be challenged. I was in two main areas and a few side jobs involved. The first main area was the sports youth ministry in which I could learn a lot and also contribute. I'm convinced, that through sports we can reach today's youth and kids. I know that I still have a lot to learn in this area.
The second main area was the IT work for PróSERTÃO. Here I also had the chance to learn a lot from Simon. My job was to maintenance the PróSERTÃO homepage as well as to spread PróSERTÃO through the social networks.
The side jobs included small group work as well as divers small jobs in the local church.
Something that God was and still is teaching me is "patience" and "trust". This two things go well together. I need to trust that the Lord has the right plans for me and then I need to be patience that one time this plans will be realized.

So I think thats it. I finished my chapter in Brazil even though I'm still doing some little stuff for PróSERTÃO. I guess that in the next few weeks I'm not going to be posting that much anymore. If you have any questions or you want to hear more then just email me.

I want to thank you for you interest in my stories through out the last few months. May our LORD bless you richly.