So now I have quick time to write an other post. The last few days I was really busy but I think it's better for me to start at the beginning. As mentioned in my last post we had a group of three girls coming for a missions trip. For the last week of their trip, which was also the last week of July they where here with us in San Jose. Due to my ability to speak German, English and Spanish I got asked to help them out with translation. One of the occasions was at a youth service in one of the churches here in San Jose where the girl from Switzerland shared her testimony and where I was able to translate for her. An other place we visited was a High School and an other youth service at a different church. If you ask me of my opinion on how this trip ended and of what I heard was that this trip was a success. One of the participants understood through this missions trip what missions is all about and is now open for missions. Our goal from MOVIDA's end is it to mobilize and motivate youth for missions and this surly happend. Right after this missions trip our Volunteers retreat started. This retreat needed a lot of attention and so also a lot of energy. Due to a holiday on the 2. of August we didn't get the Monday off after the weekend. And so it ended up that we worked hard during the week, then the weekend and ending with a slow Monday.
Now you might say, that I had the 2. of August to rest, which would be right but because I had visitors I decided to show them the volcano, which I have seen now for the forth time. After the volcano we went and visited an other place called the La Paz Waterfall Gardens. This trip there was so beautiful. You didn't just see the waterfalls but also had the chance to go through a zoo and see the animals that live here in Costa Rica. Some of them we also had the chance to touch. Yes, so this day wasn't really restful either, where I could of restored some of my energy. It came as it had to come, I started feeling weaker and weaker, now this was my fault and I don't want to blame anyone here.
Slowly I'm coming back to my full strength now. But I'm also already standing before then next busy week. On the 5. of August I'm flying for 10 days to El Salvador where we will have an intensive time filed with meetings and preaching. Now if you know me you also know that I don't like what so ever to preach and I'm not the best in it too and that's why I ask you for your prayer. But as Paul wrote in the New Testament, God is strong in our weakness.
So this is it. I don't know how much internet I'll have in the next 10 days but if I get some, then I probably quick do a Facebook live stream. So keep post and follow me on Facebook.
Thanks so much for your interest and your support.
God's richest blessings over you