It has been a while since my last post. But the main work that I have been doing in the last few weeks wrapping up the Website project, which is done now (as promised here is the link
International CIMA 2017) and I also was getting ready for our first CIMA Day. Now if you don't know what CIMA Day is, it is basically one day of CIMA like we will have it in January.

This way we can show the churches as well as the youth what they can expect in January. This first CIMA Day was held in the southern part of Costa Rica this last Saturday and this upcoming Saturday we will have our first CIMA Day in Panama. I was part of this last CIMA Day and I helped out were ever they needed me. At the end of the day I also had the chance to speak and talk a bit about the missions trips that we are offering after the conference in January. During the whole day I was at the booth for the missions trips to informed those who where interested and we also offered some games where they could win something. We offered them something that they could win instantly and we have a price that we will give away at the CIMA in January. For this main price the participants needed to fill out a quiz and have all questions right to qualify for the draw in January. This has to be a bit hard because we have a sponsor who is giving USD 70.00 to the winner so he/she can use it for their missions trip. That's why I thought of a quiz to figure out who should get this money. During this weekend I also figured something new out,

I started to live stream through Facebook. This means that people that were online at the same time could watch through a live stream what I was doing here in Costa Rica. It is a live stream that Facebook later on saves to my Facebook page, this way you still can see what a was doing this last weekend (watch the
videos on Facebook).
On our way back we stopped by the beach for a couple of hours.
When I got home and I got out of the car my phone fall of my hand unto the asphalt, this causing part of the touchscreen not to work any more. But this wasn't the end of the day. Later in the evening I transfered all pictures to my laptop but when I tried to look at them my laptop showed me an error message. I googled for solutions and I tried to fix this problem. Well that led that my laptop ended with the "Blue Screen of Death". This ment, that I had to do a system restoration.

Through this I lost all my programs on my computer but at least I was able to keep my files. Now my laptop is working again but since I bought my laptop at the end of last year I learned that I made a huge mistake. Never again will I buy a Windows laptop, even it might be half the price of a Mac but at least the Mac doesn't come with the problems that Windows brings along.
This was once more a small update of what I experienced and what I'm up to this days. There is still a lot of work and work is going really slow.
Thank you for reading and for your support.
God's riches blessing
PS: We are still looking for people that might be interested in participating in a missions trip at the end of July to Cost Rica. Please get in touch with me if you're interested or if you know of someone.