Monday, January 14, 2013

The switch

So it has been a while since I posted the last blog and a lot of things happend, even the year has changed. :)
The last time I blogged, I wrote about our soccer tournament and the Christmas service. Well after that stressful time I went back to my parents place to celebrate with them Christmas and New Years. We had a great and nice Christmas time as a family. After Christmas my parents and I drove down to the town where I grew up and spent my childhood. The church was waiting for us already when we got there. It was a great time seeing all my childhood friends again and spending time with them. We were really glad to spend the switch from 2012 to 2013 with the church their and to start the New Year together. On the 1st we already had to leave again because our Bible school would start on the 3rd and we needed to get stuff done before it would start.
It was planned that I would return to Barão on the 14. of January but because there was a missions congress happening from the 10th to the 12th I went earlier so I could be a part of it. It was a great time with good speakers.
And now it's already Monday again and a new week has started and with this also a new semester. What I'll be doing in this semester I don't know yet. I guess it will be simular to what I already was doing but one big event that's coming ahead is our carnival retreat in February. Beside that everything will keep going the way it was.