I want to look back quick a bit on the past few weeks. I want to start mid June, were I had the chance to meet a Swiss/German missionary Family called Mosimann. They are serving here in Costa Rica with an organisation called LiL (Light in Latinamerica). I really enjoyed getting to know them and to hear more about what LiL is doing here in Costa Rica and I hope that one day I can visit their trainings fasility.
In the last two weeks of June we had our second MAC (Mission Adventure Camp) groupe with us. Personaly I didn't spend any time with then but I had the chance to quickly meet the people that came from Europe (3 Germans and 1 Swiss) and in a few days our last MAC trip will start. During the second MAC I was at our first CIMA Day here in Costa Rica, which I talked about in my last post and we also had our first CIMA Day in Panama. But I was just at the one here in Costa Rica. Combined we had about 200 youth attending this event. The next CIMA Days are coming up and we have a lot to prepare for.
In the last two weeks there wasn't a lot happening, this due to the summer break. Our Director went with his Family on a vacation and left me for two weeks as his replacement.
Well and what is coming up? As already mentioned, in a few days the third and last MAC group is arriving. This group will be the smallest that we had this year. Because I know 2/3 or 2 out of 3 of the participants I will be spending a part of their trip with them and sharing this experience. After this MAC trip we have our Volunier weekend, which we have about 60 people signed up for. For this weekend we will have the Voluntiers from Panama and Nicaragua joining us, which means that at least I will meet for the first time most of our Voluntiers.
I hope that after this weekend I'll get the chance to write an other post with some pictures. I'm saying this because 5 days after the weekend I'll be leaving for a 10 day trip to El Salvador. This trip will contain promoting CIMA and the organisation as well as connecting with new Churches and Pastors.
Talking about CIMA, I want to invite and challange you to be part of this awesome and life changing experience in January of 2017 here in Costa Rica. The International CIMA 2017 is a great tool, which teaches young people to find out about their God given gifts and talents. You'll be joining people from Centralamerica, South and North America and Europe on a week long experience that will not just change your life but will affect the people you return to.