So it's been awhile since my last entry. But I didn't have anything exiting to write in the last few months. I hope though that you still will be reading my post, because soon I'll be posting some interesting stuff again.

But let me write first a bit what just happened with me. From August 1st to the 6th I was part of a youth missions conference (CIMA) here in Switzerland. We were about 90 participants from all of Europe and some of the US as well as from South America. And we had a good number of Staff and speakers that also came from all across the world. All this diversity made the conference so interesting and all the talks and fellowship was so great and such a blessing for all of us. We had the chance to exchange our experiences with God and what He has done in our lives as well as in our communities. We also had the chance to go out into the streets of a city and talk to people about God's redemption plan for us and pray for and with them. Beside all of this the conference was also impacted by the music and the messages and we had the chance to worship God in many languages. We had more then 10 languages represented at this conference. At the end of the conference two teams we sent out for a missions trip. One went all the way to Turkey and the other stayed in Switzerland and Austria. Well, if you are more interested in what happened you can check out the services on Youtube. They have all been recored and are now available for you on the
Movida Schweiz channel. (if you just understand english I recommend to watch the videos from Mike Johnson)
Well now to what is to come in my life. During the CIMA I had the chance to talk to the leaders of Movida. They as well as I am exited for the time I'll be working with them. So I'll be flying down to Brazil in January for the CIMA there and after that I'll be returning somewhere at the end of January to Switzerland and a few weeks later I'll be leaving Switzerland to go to Costa Rica. Now you might wonder why I'm going back to Switzerland if I'm so close to Costa Rica already, well that has to do with the price for the plane tickets. I'm saving this way over $1000 and I enjoy flying so it doesn't matter for me. For the month of March I'll be learning the Spanish language and beginning in April I'll be working 100% with Movida in Costa Rica. I'll be staying in Costa Rica till the end of January 2017. What will happen after my time in Costa Rica, I'm not sure yet. But this is still far away either way I'll keep you post as soon as I have more details.
Thanks for reading and may God bless you richly.