Wow, it has already been over a month since my last blog entry. Since then a lot has happened. At school everything is going good and I am enjoying my last semester at the University here in Canada. I already now that I'll be missing this beautiful country a lot and that departing from here will not be easy. But sadly I can't stay in Canada, as I already mentioned it in the last post I'll be leaving Canada in December. For the months of February till April I almost have everything scheduled with work and I'm already looking forward to that. I have the opportunity to see God's faithfulness towards me and His provision everyday new. And for that I thank God and all you who are praying for me. In regards to my future also some stuff have changed. I got an invitation to work for PróSERTÃO in Brazil for the summer of 2015. I received that over while I was still in Brazil and since then I was praying to God to show me his will. Every time that I was about to consider to go to Brazil I just felt that it wasn't the right time and that I should spend some time in Switzerland instead. So after 2ish months I decided to decline that offer and not go to Brazil in 2015. January 2015 will give me more details towards my long time missions work with SAM and MOVIDA. Till then I can say much about my future. My personal plan and goal is to stay in Switzerland till the end of 2015 and to strengthen my roots back home with Family and Friends. Well, this are the informations about what is still to be written in my personal History Book. :)
Here in Canada the summer is holding on a bit longer and giving us an amazing fall. Here a small joke about Canada, You know you're in Canada when your class at University is canceled to play Ultimate Frisbee outside due to nice weather and temperature in October :) . Well this is what happened today. I loved it. Instead of having a lecture we went outside and we were given the homework to read 4 pages in the textbook. How tuff, lol.
This up coming weekend CLBI will be hosting the Welcome Back Weekend for the alumni's of the last 5ish years. I hope to get some picture and then post them for you guys here.
Ok, this would be it for now.
God's richest blessing over you.